Behind the scenes: Customer success stories.

Launch of long-term e-scooter rental by TIER Mobility.
Micro-mobility company TIER shifted from selling their refurbished e-scooter to a rent-to-own model. circuly helped them launch in Europe.

Launch of long-term e-scooter rental by TIER Mobility.
Micro-mobility company TIER shifted from selling their refurbished e-scooter to a rent-to-own model. circuly helped them launch in Europe.
Medical equipment & device rental by med4rent.
Micro-mobility company TIER shifted from selling their refurbished e-scooter to a rent-to-own model. circuly helped them launch in Europe.

Sports Equipment in a Subscription Model.
Micro-mobility company TIER shifted from selling their refurbished e-scooter to a rent-to-own model. circuly helped them launch in Europe.

Pioneering baby goods subscriptions in Germany.
Micro-mobility company TIER shifted from selling their refurbished e-scooter to a rent-to-own model. circuly helped them launch in Europe.

Bugaboo Flex by Bugaboo.
The Dutch baby goods manufacturer Bugaboo relaunched their rental pilot in 2021, this time with circuly on their side to manage and scale their rental operations. Learn more about their success strategy and find out what they recommend to companies that want to launch a subscription business of their own.
Customer testimonials & reviews.